0year old manager, struggling report ~Tour of UZU HOUSE Introduction~

My name is Daruma.

I turned 11 months and 12 days old today.
At less than 1 year old, I am the manager of UZU.

Today I am going to talk about my play house


My great grandmother originally lived in this house.

I have never met her, but I am very grateful to her
for allowing me to be manager of the house.

This house was vacant for about 10 years.
Just a year ago, in early 2016, my parents started cleaning up the place.



(These are street views of the house of UZU from Google map. If you are interested, check it out. Well actually it is just a private house.)

UZU HOUSE shop information

Back then I was still in my mother’s belly.

I don’t know the details, but my parents did a DIY(Do It Yourself) home renovation. They had no renovation experience. They did a great job.

They left the house shape style, so other babies can crawl around.

Oops, sorry time to go. I’ve got more important things to do. Milk time!

To be continued….

Next, Daruma manager and UZU HOUSE Washroom

0-year-old Daruma manager’s struggle continues…

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