The process we use is meticulous and takes at least three days!

We are very particular about the hand dyeing method.
The process we use is meticulous and takes at least three days!
UZU’s process for “persimmon dye” and “indigo dye”
Amazingly, the earliest processing time for this design is a minimum of three days!

【DAY 1】 Persimmon Dye

Persimmon dye is only applied on the fabric on sunny days.
Persimmon dye clings itself very well due to the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Therefore, sunny days are the best time to dye with persimmon.
The color produced is a light brown.

The fabric is dyed with persimmon → Then hang dried in the sun
(this process is repeated several times)

【DAY 2 】 Titanium Dye,
“Shibori” preliminary preparation

The fabric is soaked in a dye fixative consisting of melted titanium .

The result is a kind of “yellow” ( It is quite mysterious!) →Then hung in the sun

→ After it’s dried we prepare “Shibori” designs using string.
(“Shibori”→is a technique using string to grip a part of the fabric
during the dyeing process leaving a distinct pattern of the original color .)

【DAY 3】Indigo Dye, Completed

The fabric is dyed with Indigo → hand washed → then hung in the shade
( Indigo must be hung in the shade because it can be weakened by the sun’s rays.)

Indigo dye firmly imposes itself to the fabric because it is carefully hand washed.
The final result is an exquisite design of persimmon and Indigo
with a yellowish pattern displayed in the photo. ↓

This is the process for “persimmon dye” and “indigo dye”.
Natural dyes are highly affected by weather.
Due to the fact natural dyes are used there is a dependence on weather and the environment.
Indigo dye can have different results due to weather and temperature.

Since weather and environmental conditions are never the same,
using natural dyes can be challenging.

Although it takes more effort and time,
the final product achieved is distinct and original and no two designs are alike.
This is pure “ART!” with nature.

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